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Are you grappling with relationship problems that you just can't seem to solve?

Consider a 2 Days Intensive Couples Therapy

with Myriam Ksikes, Certified Couples Therapist and Relationship Expert since 2009

Can you answer "YES" to any of these questions:

  • Do you feel more like an option rather than a priority in your partner’s life?

  • Are you longing for deeper intimacy and connection?

  • Has communication faltered between you and your partner?

  • Does your relationship feel as tumultuous as a rollercoaster?

  • Are you heartbroken over a recent affair?

  • Do you reminisce about the times when joy and laughter were effortless?

  • Do you often feel lonely and overlooked by your partner?

  • Is your relationship caught in a relentless cycle of conflict?

If these questions strike a chord, first thing to remember is:


All relationships face challenges at some point, and the statistics underscore this reality across different regions.

  • Recent data indicates that in the United States and Europe, divorce rates are at an all time high around 50%, and even above for remarriage, and the challenges of blended families, with at 60% divorce rate.

  • But divorce or separation is not the best indicator, as many couples stay together settling for a life together but alone, each running is own life. These would count for an additional 20%. That makes for around 20% of happy couple, most of them after intensive couples and/or individual work.

  • The most commonly cited reasons for divorce (80%) include growing apart over time and not feeling loved or appreciated, losing gradually a sense of connexion.

However, the outlook is not all bleak !


With the right support from a specialized Couples Therapist, relationships that seem to be at their breaking point can transform significantly. Therapy can rekindle friendship, intimacy, and joy, moving a relationship from strife to thriving.


I’ve seen it happen many times.


I specialise in providing solutions to painful relationship problems.


And I can help you too !


It’s a fact backed by decades of research: those who seek therapy generally fare better than 80% of those who don’t.


You and your partner are unique, and there’s never been a relationship quite like yours. But remember, you’re also human, sharing many common challenges that others face in their relationships. It also means you’re not the first person to be kept awake at night worrying if you and your partner will separate.

Navigating a relationship doesn’t just happen; it requires skills that most of us were never taught. We enter relationships armed with nothing but flawed models from our past, dysfunctional examples, and a host of misconceptions about love, gender roles, and what a relationship should be.

Additionally, our natural survival instincts often lead us to react from our most wounded selves. Learning to be in a relationship, and to regulate our emotions within it, isn’t automatic—it’s something that can be greatly enhanced through intensive couples therapy.

Together, you can learn not just to survive in your relationship, but to thrive, turning reactive impulses into conscious choices and meaningful connections. This is your chance to transform expectations and demands into understanding and fulfillment.


Drawing on over 15 years of experience and insights from more than 1000 couples, my approach integrates the most effective, evidence-based strategies from the leading institutes of relationship therapy and coaching.

Here's what you can expect when you choose to work with me on a TWO DAYS COUPLES INTENSIVES. 


In my practice, I incorporate Relational Life Therapy (RLT), Systemic Gestalt Therapy, Trauma-focused therapy and Attachment Theory, specifically adapted to your needs and unique situation to dramatically accelerate the process of relationship transformation and healing.


During these intensive sessions, we will delve deeply into the core patterns and conflicts of your relationship. The process starts with identifying and addressing negative relational patterns through direct feedback and compassionate confrontation.


This sets the stage for profound insights and emotional processing. ​The intensive format allows us to continuously engage in the therapeutic process without the breaks typical in weekly therapy sessions. This helps maintain the emotional momentum and depth, facilitating significant breakthroughs in understanding and empathy.

We will explore deep-seated issues and traumas affecting the relationship, with both partners present, which enhances the healing process and promotes mutual empathy. ​


Throughout the two days, we will also focus on building relational skills that are vital for a healthy relationship. This includes practicing accountability, vulnerability, and empathy, all aimed at fostering a stronger, more resilient partnership.

The goal is to not only address immediate relational challenges but also to equip you with the tools and understanding necessary for long-term relational success.


By the end of the intensive, you should have a clearer path forward and practical strategies to maintain and deepen your connection. ​Intensives like these are known for their efficacy in creating rapid changes and deeper connections within relationships, supported by focused and sustained therapeutic work.

Whether you're reeling from an affair, feeling lost and hopeless, or stuck in a damaging cycle of negative interactions, rest assured that there are proven strategies to help you:

- Repair and rebuild trust and closeness after betrayal.
- Rekindle fondness and admiration for each other.
- Restore intimacy and reignite love.
- Break free from destructive patterns and start a positive new cycle.
- Build a robust emotional foundation to weather future challenges.
- Navigate conflicts constructively to enhance mutual understanding.
- Clearly identify and effectively meet each other’s needs and desires.

If you find yourself in a relentless storm within your relationship, take heart !

.... There are tools and adjusted help to bring clarity, confidence, and renewed connection, for you to forge the fulfilling partnership you both deserve.


My approach to couples therapy and coaching isn't just effective because I believe it to be so; it's rooted in decades of extensive, solid scientific research and developed through the experience of pioneers in the field of relationship therapy. 

I’ve been dedicated to couples coaching and therapy since 2010 and have committed my career solely to helping relationships thrive. I am not a generalist; my expertise is specifically in nurturing and repairing the bonds between partners.

If you’re ready to commit to improving your relationship, I invite you to join me. Roll up your sleeves and dive into this transformative process with confidence, knowing that the methods we'll use are time-tested and scientifically validated. You are not alone in this journey—I am here to guide you with proven strategies tailored to your unique relationship needs.

Let's work together to bring healing and happiness back into your partnership !



Objection 1: "I'm worried a couples therapy intensive will be too expensive..."

Yes, the 10 000 AED fee for a two-day, 10-hour intensive is a significant investment in time, energy, and money. If you prefer, we can proceed with traditional weekly sessions. However, if your relationship is in urgent need of repair, the intensive format is designed to deliver quicker results than the standard weekly approach.

Consider this: addressing issues promptly may ultimately be less costly than the emotional and financial burdens of separation or divorce.

Objection 2: "Can a couples therapy intensive really save my marriage/relationship?"

As a specialist solely focused on couples therapy/coaching, I bring a wealth of experience and a proven, evidence-based approach to every session. Whether you’re looking to strengthen your bond or are on the brink of separation, the techniques and methodology I use are designed to offer effective, lasting solutions.

Research supports that the methodologies I employ have a 70 to 75% success rate, with stable and sometimes improved results over retests at three months, six months, and two years.


Additional benefits of Intensives include :

* Protected Time: This intensive gives you and your partner uninterrupted time to focus solely on your relationship. Away from the daily distractions of phones, work, and family responsibilities, you receive quality time that is rarely achievable in the standard 1 hour therapy sessions. This dedicated space allows for deep, focused work without the usual interruptions, making it a unique opportunity to truly concentrate on each other and the issues at hand.

* Build Momentum: Over the 10 hours of this intensive, the continuous nature of the therapy/coaching helps to build substantial momentum. Without breaks or disruptions, each session builds upon the last, accelerating your progress. This continuous engagement allows you to dive deeper and achieve more in a shorter amount of time, akin to gaining the insight and progress that would typically take months in regular weekly appointments.

Objection 3: "Where and How are the sessions held?"

The intensives take place in Dubai Studio City, a serene and comfortable setting, where you will be just like at home. This location not only facilitates focused therapy and coaching but also offers you a chance to turn your intensive into a restorative getaway. Some, when not located in Dubai choose to extend their stay, allowing further time to practice new relationship strategies in a supportive environment without everyday distractions.

These intensives are more than just therapy sessions; they're an opportunity to fundamentally transform your relationship in a supportive and cosy setting.


To get started, simply click the “BOOK A FIRST SESSION” button below for a free, 20-minute, no-obligation consultation.

During this call, we’ll briefly discuss your current challenges, and I will provide an honest assessment of whether a 2-day Couples Therapy Intensive could be beneficial for your relationship.

If it turns out that the intensive isn’t the right fit, I’ll gladly point you towards other resources or alternatives that might better suit your needs.

A couple in a therapy session with Myriam Ksikes, illustrating intensive and effective couples therapy and coaching

The Couples Coaching Workshop

Our CONNEXION® program offers a compassionate and supportive space designed to nurture and deepen the bonds between partners. Under my guidance, this comprehensive self paced program delves into critical areas such as enhancing communication, rebuilding trust, and fostering intimacy, ensuring that every couple has the tools to thrive. With a strong emphasis on understanding and empathy, CONNEXION® not only aims to resolve challenges but also to celebrate the unique journey of each relationship. Engage with me to experience transformative growth and start on a path to a more joyful and fulfilling relationship.

Myriam's Guiding Values

Foundational Principles for Stronger Relationships
Authenticity Over Niceness: Be Real in Relationships

You cannot “nice” someone into a relationship. Being nice instead of being real is manipulative, creating an illusion of a relationship behind a “mask of nice.” True relationships are built on authenticity, offering truth and intimacy. The mask of niceness does not foster real connections.​

Be Present, Be Involved

You can’t be distant and caring. Genuine care means being present and attentive. It requires responsiveness and active involvement. True care often demands hands-on effort. Distance, rather than making the heart grow fonder, can create more separation. Commit to being there for those you care about, fully and consistently.

Make a Zero Negativy, Balanced Judgment Pact 

If you are judgmental, your value system may be too rigid. Excessive judgment leads to disapproval of many, fostering a sense of superiority and leaving you isolated with a small circle of friends. Strive for a balanced value system that allows for understanding and acceptance, rather than immediate judgment and exclusion.

Embrace Humility Through Acknowledging Shame

Our own experience of shame makes it possible to be relational. When we experience shame, we understand that someone has seen us as we truly are—human and imperfect. Recognizing and feeling our own shame reminds us that we are not infallible. This humility helps us avoid judgment towards others and encourages us to speak with authenticity and modesty. Humility involves acknowledging both our weaknesses and our strengths without denying our values.​​

Behavior Have Consequences

We choose our behavior; the world chooses our consequences. While we cannot control the outcomes of our actions, we can control our actions themselves. The consequences depend on how others perceive and respond to our behavior, with an element of chance also playing a role. Embracing the principle of “Let go and let God” underscores the importance of focusing on our actions and accepting that outcomes are beyond our control.

Continuously Foster Admiration in your Relationship

Date only those you admire enough to criticize. Dating should be about discovering who our potential partner truly is. Instead of ignoring their true character, focus on understanding and appreciating the whole person, including their flaws. As relationships mature, it's natural to notice aspects we dislike, to disappoint and be disappointed; a true relationship starts from there. Commit to seeing and valuing the entire person rather than just the parts that initially attract you. Commit to learning to love your partner each day, one day at a time, as you renew your understanding of who they are.

Authentic Living Attracts the Right Relationships

Lead your life and see who shows up. Finding a partner shouldn’t be about hunting. By living your life in accordance with your authentic self, you cultivate confidence and relaxation, allowing the right person to naturally come into your life. Health attracts health. Your serenity and faith make you attractive, and the people drawn to you will be there for all the right reasons.​

Healthy Boundaries Foster True Connection

Setting up a boundary with those who are boundaryless makes them feel abandoned. Individuals without boundaries may find even moderate distances threatening. Conversely, those who use walls as boundaries feel exposed and vulnerable when asked to lower them.

As you transition to healthy boundaries, the initial discomfort of vulnerability will ultimately lead to deeper, more genuine connections with others.​ Healthy boundaries are essential for balanced relationships and protect against feeling too exposed or too enclosed; They honor each person’s autonomy in interdependence.

Let Go of Resentment

Resentment is like taking poison in the hope that your enemy will die. Resentment and self-pity, though normal when we’ve been wronged, can become toxic when based on false victimhood. Recognizing and addressing these feelings is crucial. Holding onto resentment over minor slights or misfortunes turns into self-inflicted poison, making us our own tormentors. Embrace self-awareness and let go of unwarranted resentment to foster healthier relationships.

Self-Esteem Starts from Within

Getting esteem from someone else never creates self-esteem. If we don't esteem ourselves, we can't believe another can love or esteem us. If we believe we are worthless, nobody is going to be able to convince us that we are lovable and have inherent worth.

True self-esteem is generated from within, stemming from our awareness of our inalienable and unvarying worth. It is not subject to the vagaries of others' judgments. The esteem we receive from others is external and variable, but self-esteem remains constant when it is rooted in our own self-awareness and inner validation.

Conscious Relationships Thrive

A relationship with an unconscious person is impossible. Relational health requires both parties to be conscious and self-aware. If one partner is an active substance abuser or remains ignorant of their traumatic past, relational health cannot be achieved. True connections are built when both individuals are capable of understanding and overcoming their compulsions, enabling them to engage fully and authentically in the relationship.

Grieve Before Moving On

A new relationship cannot begin until you have grieved the last relationship. Grieving only stops when it is fully processed. Entering a new relationship before fully grieving the previous one results in unresolved thoughts and emotions affecting the new relationship. Starting anew requires complete emotional closure with the past to avoid manipulative exit strategies and ensure a healthy, non-relational connection.

Sex Requires Emotional Connection

Sex is not the equivalent of a handshake or emptying your bladder. It is easier to engage in sex without vulnerability, but this can become a harmful habit, affecting even intimate relationships. Using sex to introduce yourself to someone compromises self-care, as it requires a level of emotional vulnerability that is dangerous with strangers. Sex should not be a convenient discharge but a meaningful connection.

Marriage (kids, and so on) Do Not Improve Relationships

Marriage and kids tend to intensify existing problems rather than solve them. It is about committing to a person and a relationship, not about improving things. Entering into marriage with the expectation of fixing issues is misguided. The key to a successful marriage lies in the strength and quality of the relationship itself, first and foremost. Healthy communication, mutual respect, and continuous effort are essential. The wisdom is, "Everything in a marriage is improved by a strong relationship".

Acceptance Heals: Embrace What You Have and Where you are

Much of healing is acceptance. Embracing the reality that "I rarely get my way entirely; however, I do get enough to be comfortable" is crucial. This principle teaches us to find peace and satisfaction in what we have rather than constantly striving for perfection or complete fulfillment. Acceptance allows us to appreciate our progress, acknowledge our limitations, and focus on the positives. It fosters a mindset of gratitude and contentment, which are essential for emotional and psychological healing. By accepting what we have, we create a stable foundation for continued growth and well-being.

Love is about knowing someone matters

That way you can't love them too much.

Loving someone for the right reasons means that you are giving yourself in a boundaried and self-esteeming way. Your emotion is free of manipulation. Such intimacy always reaches out for what is real in your partner. Of such love, there can never be too much.

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