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Should We Break Up or Stay Together? Simple Steps to Help You Decide

Making the decision to end a relationship is never easy. It feels like navigating through a thick fog, where every step could either lead you to clearer skies or deeper into confusion.

As a couple's therapist since 2009, I've guided many through this complex process. Drawing from this experience, I want to share some personal insights and reflective questions that have helped others find clarity, and I hope they can do the same for you.

The Heavy Decision of Parting Ways

The decision to leave someone you once, or perhaps still do, love is monumental. It's not just about two people going their separate ways; it's about untangling lives, dealing with emotional fallout, and sometimes, the well-being of children. It's a path fraught with fear—fear of causing pain, fear of regret, and fear of the unknown.

The Normality of Doubt

Doubt is a companion on the journey of any significant relationship. It's normal to question, to wonder "what if," and to fear making the wrong choice. But when we let doubt take the driver's seat, blaming our partner for every wrong turn without looking inward, we lose the chance to grow—both individually and together.

Crisis is Not the Time for Decisions

Making life-changing decisions in the midst of a crisis is ill-advised. High emotional and psychological stress can cloud judgment and lead to regrettable choices. It's in these moments that seeking help, taking a step back, and allowing the storm to pass can provide the clarity needed to make thoughtful decisions.

Have All Roads Been Travelled?

Before you decide to close the door on your relationship, ask yourself honestly -have we tried everything?- It's not about dragging things out until there's nothing left but resentment. It's about knowing in your heart that you gave it your all, that you fought the good fight for the love you once believed could conquer all.

Questions to Light the Way

As you stand at this crossroads, consider these questions. They've been my guiding stars in the darkest of nights, and perhaps they can be yours too:

  1. What's my heart's true temperature? Am I more often happy or unhappy? Is this a storm that will pass, or is it a climate that no longer sustains me?

  2. Am I in love with the person before me, or the potential I see in them? Love is about embracing the present, not living in the future that may never come.

  3. Are promises binding me to a place of unhappiness? Sometimes, we need to release each other from vows that no longer serve us to find happiness apart.

  4. Do I feel respected and valued? Respect is the soil in which love grows. Without it, nothing true can flourish.

  5. Am I sacrificing too much of myself? Recognizing our boundaries is the first step in honoring ourselves and our needs.

  6. Is fear of loneliness clouding my judgment? The fear of being alone should never outweigh the value of our own peace and happiness.

  7. Can I see more good than bad? Keeping a balanced ledger of our relationship's highs and lows can offer unexpected insights.

  8. Do we share a common future? Shared dreams and values are the compass that guides a relationship through life's ups and downs.

In the end, the journey through a relationship's final chapter is deeply personal. It requires courage, honesty, and sometimes, the willingness to let go for the chance of finding happiness anew. My hope is that these reflections offer some solace and guidance as you navigate your path.

Remember, it's not about the destination, but the journey; and you don't have to walk it alone.


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